Germ Defence

Introduction: Protecting your health – and everyone else’s

Introduction: Cutting down on germs

Introduction: Information on vaccinations and protecting yourself

Introduction: Reducing Illness or Handwashing

Handwashing: Why wash your hands

Handwashing: Why wash your hands (2)

Handwashing: How often do you wash your hands?

Handwashing: When could you wash your hands more?

Handwashing: Making a plan

Handwashing: A good plan!

Handwashing: Are you happy with your plan?

Handwashing: Spread the website, not the virus

Reducing illness: Choose the situation that best matches yours

Protecting your household: Create your own force field

Protecting your household: Create your own force field (2)

Protecting your household: Should I wear a face covering at home?

Protecting your household: How to use a face covering safely

Protecting your household: Create your own force field (3)

Protecting those at risk: Create your own force field

Protecting those at risk: Create your own force field (2)

Protecting those at risk: Should I wear a face covering at home?

Protecting those at risk: How to use a face covering safely

Protecting those at risk: Create your own force field (3)

Someone else might be ill: Create your own force field

Someone else might be ill: Create your own force field (2)

Someone else might be ill: Should I wear a face covering at home?

Someone else might be ill: How to use a face covering safely

Someone else might be ill: Create your own force field (3)

You might be ill: Create your own force field

You might be ill: Create your own force field (2)

You might be ill: Should I wear a face covering at home?

You might be ill: How to use a face covering safely

You might be ill: Create your own force field (3)

Reducing illness: What do you currently do?

Reducing illness: Real life examples

Reducing illness: Making a plan

Reducing illness: A good plan!

Reducing illness: Are you happy with your plan?

Reducing illness: Spread the website, not the virus


More Handwashing: When and where do I most need to wash my hands?

More Handwashing: When and where do I most need to wash my hands (2)? 

More Handwashing: When and where do I most need to wash my hands (3)?

More Handwashing: Encouraging children to wash their hands

More Handwashing: Making handwashing fun

More Handwashing: The best way to wash your hands

More Handwashing: The best way to wash your hands (2)

More Reducing Illness: Getting rid of coronavirus

More Reducing Illness: Getting rid of coronavirus (2)

More Reducing Illness: Living with young children

More Reducing Illness: Easier ideas

More Reducing Illness: Face coverings

More Reducing Illness: Tips on not touching your face

About the website: Does it work?

About the website: About the team

About the website: Based on scientific evidence

About the website: Contact the team

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